Demystifying the Akashic Records : The What, Why and Case Studies!

During your childhood, have you heard reference of 'Chitragupta's diary'? The reference of this magical diary was a popular concept being refered to by my family during my childhood days. As the mythology goes that there is a 'Book of Records' which has all our karma written in it, and we get blessings and punishments in our after life as per the karmic records noted in this book.

Well, this is exactly the concept of the Akashic Records. They are considered to be a store house of  information. The soul journey of each indivual in all it human birth forms are noted and kept stored in a library form, termed as the Akashic records library. Now, it is important to understand that in these records the minor daily activites based details are not recorded. Only the important major events in the lifetime of a soul that has created deep karmic energy are being recorded. These events are responsible for the sufferings, lessons, rewards, blessings, curses and karma that would be designing the soul's journey in a new lifetime.

Hence, the fact is that what you are going through today, has its roots deep down in a certain situation that was activated thousands of years ago. Let me share a few case studies for you to underatand this situation :

1. A young 26 year old girl was suffering from chronic health issues and despite all modern medicine, she found it impossible to recover. While channeling reiki healings for her, I was intuitively guided that she is under black magic. When trying to figure out the cause as to 'Why she attracted such a karma into her life?'; We got to know that her maternal grandfather had performed a tantric ritual in the desire to get a boy child. This ritual went wrong somehow making the family being cursed that all the females born into the family would lead a life full of suffering. This girl actually had 2 aunts, and 1 uncle. And all her aunts, including her mother was suffering in their life in terms of their health and relationship. It was actually the karma of the mother that made her attract black magic into her life. We are now working both on the energy of the girl and her mother to help them heal their issues.

2. In a second situation, another young 29 year old lady came to me to fix her binge eating habit. We traced back that she had faced intense sexual abuse as a toddler. These abuses were hurled to her by male members of her own family including her father, uncle and grandfather. These painful memories had caused her to create emotionally frozen zones which led to her binge eating. Together, we went to heal her Inner Child Traumas to help her come out of the deep pain. Now she is leading a healthy life.

3. In a 3rd situation, a 40 year old lady found herself into the loop of debt very frequently. Despite she and her husband both earning a handsome salary, life would throw such situations at them that they would have to take on loans. While trying to understand the root cause of this financial situation, we got to know that the cause was actually hidden in her relationship. During a certain lifetime, she had caused a lot of pain to her husband, she did not forgive her husband for cheating on her and kept tormenting him throughout. She could not learn the virtue of 'letting go'. Hence, in this life time, every misery that the husband faces will directly impact her well being. Her husband was actually the cause of her financial debts.

These are some of the examples, I shall share more case studies in due course of time.

The Akashic Records are however, not set in stone. They are a dynamic book, where we can do the following :

  1. Access our own book of records in a state of meditation.
  2. Learn about our karma : the What and Why of a situation.
  3. Receive remedies as to how to correct our karma, so that we do not continue with our suffereings in this life time.
  4. Heal our disturbed and stuck energies.
  5. Heal curses and effects of black magic.
  6. Create new and fresh possibilities for ourselves.
The Akashic Records are said to be present in the 5th dimension and Archangel Metatron is the book keeper who grants us access to the book of records. Anybody can learn to access their own records, heal it and set new realitites for themselves.

You may either do it yourself, or give permision to a trained healer for the same. The consent of a certain person is very important to access and heal the records. It is important to remember, that your conscious effort shape your future. No matter how much healing you get done by a professional healer, if you do not change your activities at a conscious level then there will be no positive outcome and you will be stuck in the same loop of karma.

At a personal level, I am very choosy as to whose records I would like to access and heal. I am only focused towards helping individuals who are ready to put in the conscious hard work and effort towards changing their lives, and need little help from an expert to speed up their life's journey!

Happy Healing,
Love and Light,

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